Election 2020: Comparison of the American College of Physicians' Vision for a Better U.S. Health Care System With the Presidential Candidates' Plans.

Gantzer et al opine on the American College of Physicians' vision for a better US health care system and the presidential candidates' plans Health care in the US costs too much, is unaffordable for too many, spends too much on administration, produces outcomes that are unfavorable compared with other countries, misaligns incentives with patient interests, and undervalues primary care and public health The US remains the only Western industrialized nation without universal coverage Job losses contribute to loss of insurance coverage, particularly during economic downturns such as the current coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, placing millions of Americans at risk for missing important health care screenings;losing control of chronic health care conditions;losing access to health care for new symptoms, injuries, or illnesses;and developing medical bankruptcy
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