Evaluating Autologous Lipofilling for Parry-Romberg Syndrome-Associated Defects: A Systematic Literature Review and Case Report.

Background:  Parry-Romberg syndrome (PRS) is a rare craniofacial disease that causes progressive hemifacial atrophy of the soft tissue before spontaneously entering remission. Autologous fat grafting may provide a less invasive alternative, producing aesthetically pleasing results while avoiding the need for traditional microsurgical free flap coverage. Methods:  A systematic review of the literature was conducted. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The case report highlights the technique using two-dimensional and three-dimensional photography. Results:  Our review yielded 31 articles in addition to our case describing 147 cases of lipofilling to correct PRS soft-tissue defects. Patients underwent an average of 2.2 procedures, receiving on average 95 mL of grafted fat. Disease severity was classified into mild (41%), moderate (42%), and severe (17%) in the identified patients. Increasing disease severity correlated with an increasing number of procedures and fat-grafting volumes to achieve ad...
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