Persepsi Petani Tentang Pemanfaatan Limbah Ternak Kambing Pada Tanaman Sayuran Sebagai Pupuk Organik

ABSTRACT The integration of'go*t livestock and vegetable weste is one ol lhe models Jbr increasirtg vegetable production .lncl the use of goat wsste as otganic fertitizer lbr vegetables which provides adrJed vulue Jbr the 'development of goat prothtction and increcsed vegetable production. The purpose of this study w-as to deter' mine farmers'perceptions a/ the use o!'oryanic .fertilizer from goat waste for vegetable crops. The activiQ yvos carried out.from January-December 2015 in Baroko village, Baroko sub-district, Enrekong Regency' The rutmber of'responclents was selected as many as 30 vegetableJ'armers u;ho raise goats. Datawas collected thrctttgh intemiew using a eluestionnaire, while observing the integration oJ'goat and vegetuhle .f-urming activities was corried out by knowing the tttiliztttion of'vegetable waste .fbr go*ts. Collecting existing technology clata,.|armers'perceptians o/'the technologt presented, analysis. Whereas secondary dtttct yvcts obtained fiom variotts literatures related to this srudy. Dalc processing us-ing descriptive analysis, per' centages antlfarm anclysis, The results of the sndy concluded'perceptions about the utilization o1-goit waste Jbr vegetable crops qre generally very usefttl and ctbout 47.83% of t'itrmers who o.ften use sttlicl waste waste as we ll a.s the results oJ'anc$,sis analy.;is o.f vegetable.f*rming ttsirtg goat wcste obtuined R / C value oJ' | , 84, so this bttsiness is w'orth developing. Keyw orels : P e rc e p t io n, o rgan i c .fb rt il ize r, was t e, go at anel ve ge t a b I e s
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