Complex medical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatic heart disease at the sanatorium stage using radon baths from a local source and homologous immunoglobulin

: The paper discusses the efficacy of rehabilitation of 108 patients with rheumatic fever with the use of radon baths, of them in 36 in conjunction with homologous immunoglobulin. The patients were treated in a local balneological hospital. Balneotherapy has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the humoral and cellular immune response, and on factors of the body non-specific resistance in patients with unstable clinicolaboratory characteristics after the treatment for protracted rheumocarditis with minimal activity and latent course. The number of relapses and intercurrent infections were found to be decreased, and the working ability to be improved. The most pronounced effect was recorded in a group of patients who received radon baths and homologous immunoglobulin.
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