Mercado de trabalho sob mediação digital: um estudo de termos em plataformas digitais às ofertas de vagas no setor de arquivos | Laboral Market under digital mediation: a study of terms on digital platforms in job offers in the archival sector

RESUMO  Objetiva mapear os termos que designam o profissional de arquivo em plataformas digitais e identificar os nichos ao mercado de trabalho. Adota pesquisa documental considerando as ocorrencias semânticas de informacoes laborais relativas as vagas ofertadas, ocupadas e/ou mediadas nas plataformas digitais Indeed, LikedIn e Catho. Conclui que ha 21 designacoes semânticas distintas em uso para a vaga de emprego deste profissional no mercado e e possivel identificar os seguintes nichos representados em plataformas: Documentacao Tecnica, Sistemas de Informacao, Processamento Arquivistico e Gerenciamento de Registros. Palavras-chave: Mercado de Trabalho; Mediacao Digital; Profissional de Arquivo; Plataformas Digitais; Web. ABSTRACT  The goal is to map the terms that designate archival professional on digital platforms and identify the niches in the job market. This study adopted the documentary research considering the semantic occurrences of job information related to offered, occupied and/or mediated vacancies on the digital platforms Indeed, LikedIn and Catho. The study concludes that there are actually 21 different semantic variations to represent these professional in the market and identifies the following niches represented on the digital platforms: Technical Documentation, Information Systems, Archival Processing and Records Management. Keywords: Labour Market; Digital Mediation; Achival Professional, Digital Platforms; Web.
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