Cengiz Aytmatov’un Dişi Kurdun Rüyaları’nda İnsan ve Mekân Algısı

Bu makale, Cengiz Aytmatov’in Disi Kurdun Ruyalari romanindaki insan ve mekân algisinin caga mahsus edebi, sosyal ve politik sartlar noktasinda bir degerlendirmesini icermektedir. Ozellikle Aytmatov’un yasadigi siyasi baski devri dikkate alindiginda, romancinin edebi dil yoluyla giristigi yazinsal mucadele, insanin ve yasadigi mekânin sartlarina iliskin bircok problem alani aciga cikarmaktadir. Roman dilinde yer alan ifadelerde, Abdias'in trajedisi ve tahammul etmek zorundan kaldigi dunya, insandaki kotuluk probleminin felsefi boyutuyla yakindan iliskilidir. Bu, sadece Abdias'in degil evrensel insanin problemidir. Yine romandaki kurt ailesinin alegorik anlatimi ve kendi dogal yasamlarinda ugradiklari tehdidin insandan gelisi, uzerinde dusunulmesi gereken farkli bir ontolojik problem olarak on plana cikmaktadir. Aytmatov’un anlatimiyla insan ve doga arasindaki kurgulanan gerilim, bir yaniyla insandaki yozlasma sureclerine dikkat cekerken; diger yandan insan karsisindaki doganin yanitsiz kalan caresizligiyle yakindan iliskilidir. Roman boyle bir acidan ele alindiginda dogal/oz varolus kosullarindan uzaklasmis, koturum hale gelmis bir dunyanin edebi dildeki yansimasi olarak gorulebilir. This article contains a review of Cengiz Aytmatov's novel of human and space perception in the novel The Female Wolf Dreams in terms of literary, social and political conditions. Especially when considering the political pressure of Aytmatov, the literary language of the romancer's literary struggle exposes a lot of problems related to the conditions of the people and the living space. In the language of the novel Abdias' tragedy and the world he has to endure are closely related to the philosophical dimension of the problem of evil on the human face. This is the problem of not only Abdias, but the universal human. The allegorical narration of the werewolf family in the Roman world and the development of dangerous human beings in their natural habitat are on the foreground as a different ontological problem to be considered.With the expression of Aytmatov, the fictional tension between man and nature draws attention to the processes of corruption on the one hand, On the other hand, is closely related to the desperate desperation of nature against man. When viewed from such a point of view, the novel can be regarded as a literal reflection of a world that has become distanced from the conditions of natural / self existence.
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