Факторы риска формирования неходжкинской лимфомы у больных с коинфекцией ВИЧ и вирусным гепатитом C

The objective of the study was to investigate risk factors for the development of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in HIV-infected patients with hepatitis С virus (HCV) coinfection. A total of 37 HIV-positive subjects with NHL treated in the Moscow Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS between 2009 and 2013 were included in the study. HIV patients were divided into 2 groups: 23 cases with HCV coinfection and 14 patients without HCV coinfection. At the time of making the diagnosis of NHL 90% of patients had CD4 cell count < 350 cell/mm 3. The mean CD4 cell count in the first group (120±123 cell/mm 3) was significantly lower (p=0,035), than in patients without HCV coinfection (267±253 cell/mm3). At the time of making the diagnosis of NHL 70% of patients had HIV viral load ≥5,00 log10. The mean viral load was 5,47±1,09 log10 copies/ml in the first group and 4,06±2,03 log10 copies/ml in the second group (p=0,033). At the time of making the diagnosis of NHL 78% of patients did not receive combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). In most patients who received cART virologic suppression unsufficient and CD4 cell count remained to be low. Risk factors associated with an increased risk of NHL in HIV-infected patients with HCV coinfection are low CD4 cell count, high HIV viral load and lack of effective cART. Timely initiation of cART followed by complete virologic suppression and CD4 recovery are key factors to prevent NHL in HIV-infected patients.
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