Новый среднеранний сорт озимого ячменя Маруся

Last years the Rostov region has faced a significant climate continentality increase during the growing season of winter crops. This factor makes necessary to develop new varieties of intensive winter barley with a high level of ecological adaptability, resistance to lodging and leaf diseases, with a high level of potential productivity. The purpose of the current study was to develop a new highly productive, stress-resistant winter barley variety with a high level of adaptability and to evaluate it according to economically valuable traits. The current paper has presented the agrobiological characteristics of the winter barley variety ‘Marusya’, the originator and patent holder of which is the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Agrarian Research Center “Donskoy”. The research was carried out from 2018 to 2020 in the fields of experimental crop rotation of the department of barley breeding and seed production of the FSBSI “ARC “Donskoy”. The forecrop was peas. The accounting plot area was 10 m², the number of repetitions was 6. The winter barley variety ‘Timofey’ was used as a standard variety. The species was parallelum. The type of development was facultative. Over the years of study in the Competitive Variety Testing of the FSBSI “ARC “Donskoy” (2018–2020), the variety produced from 8.0 to 11.2 t/ha, that exceeded the standard variety ‘Timofey’ on 0.5–1.5 t/ha. Since 2020, the State Commission for Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops decided to include the variety ‘Marusya’ in the State List of Breeding Achievements in the North Caucasus region. The variety is being studied in the Central Blackearth and Lower Volga regions of the Russian Federation. The consistently high productivity of the new variety is achieved due to the large grain and higher indicators of the yield structure elements and resistance to diseases in comparison with those of the standard variety ‘Timofey’
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