The impact of an educational intervention on breastfeeding

Purpose – Given the importance of education‐based approaches in stimulating breastfeeding, the paper aims to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of discussing breastfeeding with school children..Design/methodology/approach – Two workshops about breastfeeding and on the view of the human being as a mammal were carried out in schools in Brazil. Children were invited to express their views of breastfeeding based on what they had learned. Questionnaires were applied immediately before and 15 days after the workshops to assess the impact on children's knowledge.Findings – There was on average a low level of knowledge about breastfeeding previous to the interventions. The interventions increased children's self‐perception as mammals, and managed to enhance their knowledge about several important issues regarding breastfeeding.Research limitations/implications – There was a fairly small number of participants and a restricted age range. More studies with other age ranges are warranted.Practical implications...
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