Additive functionals with application to sojourn times in infinite-server and processor sharing systems

We deal with additive functionals of stationary processes. It is shown that under some assumptions a stationary model of the time-changed process exists. Further, bounds for the expectation of functions of additive functionals are derived. As an application we analyze virtual sojourn times in an infinite-server system where the service speed is governed by a stationary process. It turns out that the sojourn time of some kind of virtual requests equals in distribution an additive functional of a stationary time-changed process, which provides bounds for the expectation of functions of virtual sojourn times, in particular bounds for fractional moments and the distribution function. Interpreting the GI(n)/GI(n)/∞ system or equivalently the GI(n)/GI system under state-dependent processor sharing as an infinite-server system where the service speed is governed by the number n of requests in the system provides results for sojourn times of virtual requests. In the case of M(n)/GI(n)/∞, the sojourn times of arriving and added requests equal in distribution sojourn times of virtual requests in modified systems, which yields several results for the sojourn times of arriving and added requests. In case of positive integer moments, the bounds generalize earlier results for M/GI(n)/∞. In particular, the mean sojourn times of arriving and added requests in M(n)/GI(n)/∞ are proportional to the required service time, generalizing Cohen's famous result for M/GI(n)/∞.
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