Analisis Pola Jalan Lanjut Usia Terhadap Risiko Jatuh Di Posyandu Lansia Wilayah Surakarta

Background: In old the change in the gait relation to the reduction in movement refinement, happened measurement of the step became limited, and the speed walking decreased. This had an impact on the increase in the risk of falling in relation to gait. The gait of the old could be categorized be base width, stride length, and speed walking. The Objective of Research: To know the influence of the gait of old be base width, stride length, and speed walking towards the risk of falling in the integrated post service of old in Surakarta Region. The Benefit of Research: It could know base width, stride length, and speed walking of old towars the risk of falling in the integrated post service of old in Surakarta Region. The Method of Research: The research kind in this research was observasional in the Cross Sectional research plan. Technically the taking of the sample in a manner Simple Random Sampling with criterian insklusion and eksklusion. The grating of gait by using wide parameters base width, stride length, and speed walking whereas the implement measured the risk of falling used Chi-Square with degree of confident of 95%. Result of the Research: The analysis of statistics was obtained by result base width of old apart from the significant value of standard will increase risk of falling (p= 0,001 0,05), and the old that had the speed walking apart from it’s not significant value of the standard increased risk of falling (0,090 > 0,05). Conclusion: Statistically, base width the significant influenced risk of falling. Stride length not significant influenced risk of falling. The speed walking not significant influenced the risk of falling.
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