How does In-season Heat Affect Postharvest Physiology & Quality…?

This presentation summarizes and integrates many of the results from our research on the effects of heat stress on tuber physiology, performance and quality, starting with seed production and extending to maincrop potatoes for frozen processing. Heat stress (high tuber pulp temperature) during production of seed can accelerate physiological aging during storage, which in turn affects stem numbers, tuber set and size distribution the following season. Heat stress during production of potatoes for frozen processing can affect sugar-related disorders and retention of process quality during storage. Soil heating cables (Fig. 1A) were used to manipulate tuber pulp temperatures at key points during tuber development to study the effects of temperature on quality retention for seed and frozen processing potatoes. Soil temperatures were increased by approximately 10 o F above ambient during tuber bulking (114-155 DAP) and 10 and 20 o F above ambient during maturation (155-179 DAP) (Fig. 1B).
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