An abnormal cholesterol profile in young adults with normocholesterolemic cerebral ischemia.

An abnormal cholesterol fraction can still he able to provoke cascades of lipidic atherogenesis even when the serum TC level is within normal range(< 200 mg%). However, there is a shortage of convincing data concerning cerebral atherogenesis in young Asians who have a different diet habit and living style from those in western countries. In this study, we examined the lipoprotein-cholesterol profile in young Taiwanese patients with noncardiac cerebral ischemia (NCCI) whose serum TC level was < 200 mg% and 200 – 200 mg%250 mg%. The results showed a decrease of HDLC and an increase of VLDLC in patients with TC < 200 mg%, but only a decrease of HDLC in patients with TC =200 – 250 mg%. The cholesterol fraction metabolism is obviously perplexed in NCCI subjects. These findings were not related to their associated risk factors. Accordingly, a derange ment of cl1o1esterol fraction with normal serum TC level can also incite lipidic cerebral atherogenesis in young Taiwanese adults. Therefore, a detailed evaluation of cholesterol profile should be born in mind in young eastern NCCI patients despite of a normal serum TC level. Tailored measure of diet and living should be modified to prevent lipidic atherognesis in our society in future.
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