Exploring the Meaning of Education and Teaching in an International Context

In this presentation we will share insights gained from participating in an International Doctoral Research Seminar held in Beijing, China in 2018. As four graduate students accompanied by two faculty members, with diverse life and educational narratives, we bring our individual perspectives into dialogue as we make sense of our participation leading up to, during, and after the seminar experience. While at the seminar we engaged with colleagues from China and Australia around the theme:  Teacher Education: Theories and Practices from an International Perspective . As teacher education practices become increasingly connected and transformed through processes of globalization, technology and demographics (Townsend, 2011), we are challenged by deep questions around education, knowing, teaching, and learning. Thus, through the use of narrative inquiry, we remain open to intersect our particular ways of doing education, while we engage with seminar participants, and overlap narratives to frame our understandings. This paper is centered on the question:  What does it mean to educate, and to be educated, in a global context?
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