Submission to the Department of Environment and Energy in response to their “Better fuel for cleaner air” discussion paper

The Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub and the Melbourne Energy Institute welcome the opportunity to comment on the ‘Better fuel for cleaner air’ discussion paper, and the proposed changes to the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 and associated legislation. These two groups have expertise in several areas that are relevant to this paper: air quality, public health, energy policy and resource economics and vehicle fuels and emissions. We would therefore welcome further discussion with the Department should this be of interest. Our submission first considers the motivation of this Paper. While Australian air quality conforms to international standards, recent research1 shows that significant health impacts still occur at pollution levels experienced in Australia. The costs of air pollution to society have been put on a par with smoking and obesity. Air pollution due to vehicle emissions is estimated to have caused 1715 deaths in Australia in 20152 , larger than the national road toll of 1205 in 20153 . Appendix A to this submission contains a detailed discussion of these health impacts. We submit that a review of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 and associated legislation should therefore prioritise this cost of the health impacts of vehicle emissions. To this end this submission primarily addresses Question Sets 1 and 6, and the Questions relating to the fuel, automotive and marine diesel standards. While making specific recommendations relevant to the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000, we also submit that the comprehensive package of measures should contain additional regulations, at both Australian Government and state government levels, concerning energy infrastructure, motor vehicles and other engines, and driver behaviour. Furthermore, additional government action directed towards increasing public awareness and supporting better collection of air quality data are important.
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