Cooper’s syringocele (bulbourethral cyst)

Bulbourethral cyst or Cowper’s syringocele (from the Greek “syringe” – tube, “cele” – expansion) is a cystic expansion of the excretory ducts of the bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands). This disease is extremely rare and is more often diagnosed in the child population. The clinical manifestations of syringocele are non-specific and depend on many factors: size, localization, communication with the urethra, and the presence of an infectious component. Detection of syringocele is impossible without the use of special radiation and endoscopic diagnostic methods. Most often, this pathology is “masked” under inflammatory diseases of the genitals due to the fact that the symptoms are limited to secretions from the external opening of the urethra, changes in the general analysis of urine and dysuric manifestations. Currently in the domestic and foreign literature there are not even 20 publications devoted to this pathology.
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