Effective treatments for PTSD : practice guidelines from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Foa, Keane, Friedman, Cohen, Introduction. Part I: Assessment and Diagnosis of PTSD. Weathers, Keane, Foa, Assessment and Diagnosis of Adults. Balaban, Assessment of Children. Part II: Early Interventions: Treatment of ASD and Prevention of Chronic PTSD. Bisson, McFarlane, Rose, Ruzek, Watson, Psychological Debriefing for Adults. Brymer, Steinberg, Vernberg, Layne, Watson, Jacobs, Ruzek, Pynoos, Acute Interventions for Children and Adolescents. Litz, Bryant, Early Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Adults. Part III: Treatment Approaches for Chronic PTSD. Cahill, Rothbaum, Resick, Follette, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adults. Cohen, Mannarino, Deblinger, Berliner, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents. Friedman, Davidson, Stein, Psychopharmacotherapy for Adults. Donnelly, Psychopharmacotherapy for Children and Adolescents. Spates, Koch, Cusack, Pagoto, Waller, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Shea, McDevitt-Murphy, Ready, Schnurr, Group Therapy. Jaycox, Stein, Amaya-Jackson, School-Based Treatment for Children and Adolescents. Kudler, Krupnick, Blank Jr., Herman, Horowitz, Psychodynamic Therapy for Adults. Lieberman, Ippen, Marans, Psychodynamic Therapy for Child Trauma. Glynn, Drebing, Penk, Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Cardena, Maldonado, van der Hart, Spiegel, Hypnosis. Riggs, Monson, Glynn, Canterino, Couple and Family Therapy for Adults. Johnson, Lahad, Gray, Creative Therapies for Adults. Goodman, Chapman, Gantt, Creative Arts Therapies for Children. Najavits, Ryngala, Back, Bolton, Mueser, Brady, Treatment of PTSD and Comorbid Disorders. Part IV: Treatment Guidelines. Psychological Debriefing for Adults. Acute Interventions for Children and Adolescents. Early Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Adults. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adults. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents. Psychopharmacotherapy for Adults. Psychopharmacotherapy for Children and Adolescents. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Group Therapy. School-Based Treatment for Children and Adolescents. Psychodynamic Therapy for Adults. Psychodynamic Therapy for Child Trauma. Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Hypnosis. Couple and Family Therapy for Adults. Creative Therapies for Adults. Creative Arts Therapies for Children. Treatment of PTSD and Comorbid Disorders. Part V: Conclusion. Friedman, Cohen, Foa, Keane, Integration and Summary.
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