vh@nnlo-v2: New physics in Higgs Strahlung.

Introducing version 2 of the code vh@nnlo, we study the effects of a number of new-physics scenarios on the Higgs-Strahlung process. In particular, the cross section is evaluated within a general 2HDM and the MSSM. While the Drell-Yan-like contributions are consistently taken into account by a simple rescaling of the SM result, the gluon-initiated contribution is supplemented by squark-loop mediated amplitudes, and by the $s$-channel exchange of additional scalars which may lead to conspicuous interference effects. The latter holds as well for bottom-quark initiated Higgs Strahlung, which is also included in the new version of vh@nnlo. Using an orthogonal rotation of the three Higgs CP eigenstates in the 2HDM and the MSSM, vh@nnlo incorporates a simple means of CP mixing in these models. Moreover, the effect of vector-like quarks in the SM on the gluon-initiated contribution can be studied. Beyond concrete models, vh@nnlo allows to include the effect of higher-dimensional operators on the production of CP-even Higgs bosons. Transverse momentum distributions of the final state Higgs boson and invariant mass distributions of the $V\phi$ final state for the gluon- and bottom-quark initiated contributions can be studied. Distributions for the Drell-Yan-like component of Higgs-Strahlung can be included through a link to MCFM. vh@nnlo can also be linked to FeynHiggs and 2HDMC for the calculation of Higgs masses and mixing angles. It can also read these parameters from an SLHA-file as produced by standard spectrum generators. Throughout the manuscript, we highlight new-physics effects in various numerical examples, both at the inclusive level and for distributions.
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