Hubungan antara Berat badan Lahir Bayi dengan Infeksi Nosokomial di Ruang Perinatologi

Nosocomial infection is still a health problem in the world as it increase morbidity rate and risky to mortality rate. Nosocomial infection is mostly occued in pediatric ward among baby less than a year and the highes infection in neonates intensive care unit. This is especially true for low birth weight infants who are immature and not fully prepaed for life out side the uterus. Objective: to exanine the relaton of birth weight and noscomal infection of neonates (pnemonia, bacteremia and sepsis) in level III, Perinatal wads, Rumah Sakit Anak Bersalin Harapan Kita) for year 2002 -2004. Method: The data used is the medical record of infants under care in level III, perinatal wars RSAB Harapan Kita,. The design of hihis study is case control, The data isanalyzed with logistic regresion. Analysis of statification is applied to variable of invasive devices utlization. Major sites of infection were septic (52.91%), bacteemia (35.48%), and pneumonia (11.61%). The most commonly pathogens were Gram-negative bacteria: Seratia sp (around 2.3%-38.10%), Klebsiela pneumonia (around 2.3%-6.8%), and Candida (1%-4.2%). Without control from pther covariate variable, no relation found between birth weight and nosocomial infection, and with stratification and analysis of multivariate it can be shown that utilization of long line intravenous catheter and/or umbilicus catheter modify the effect relation of birth weight and nosocomial infection in neonates. Neonates with birth weight
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