Los buenos profesores en la mirada de padres y apoderados

Los buenos profesores en la mirada de padres y apoderados Os bons professores. Um olhar a partir dos pais e responsaveis legais The aim of this study is to understand what it means to be a “good teacher” for parents and guardians in a vulnerable school in Santiago de Chile (Chile), from the identification and description of the characteristics of this relevant educational actor. A qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach was used to analyze the discourses of 20 families. Based on in-depth interviews and a discussion group, when it comes to conceptualizing and characterizing a good teacher, parents value their human dimension. This should be complemented with professional and affective components that allow for empathic relationships with others, building trust and formative support in upbringing their children. Parents seek to feel at ease about the present and future of their children and, for this, they need the presence of good teachers who balance human and professional aspects in the act of educating. Para citar este articulo / To reference this article / Para citar este artigo Perez-Norambuena, S.  y  Linzmayer-Gutierrez, L.  (2018). Los buenos profesores en la mirada de padres y apoderados.  Educacion y Educadores ,  21 (3), 373-387. DOI:  10.5294/edu.2018.21.3.1 Recibido: 30/05/2018 Aceptado: 15/11/2018
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