Views on unwanted effects of leave-on emollients and experiences msurrounding their incidence

Background: The mainstay treatment for eczema is leave-on emollients. The aim of this study was to find out more about unwanted effects that have been reported with their use, as little is known due to a lack of formal reporting. Aims: To gain a greater understanding of eczema patients’ experiences of unwanted effects such as stinging, what influence unwanted effects had on their therapy, why subsequent variations in leave-on emollient adherence followed and what patients desire in their emollients. Methods: An anonymous online survey was conducted among eczema patients and their carers in March 2016 (using SurveyMonkeyTM). Results: 210 respondents, including adults and young people with eczema plus carers of children with eczema, which included family and friends. 68% (n=126/185) reported a wide range of 38 unwanted effects. Accounts highlighted the impact on quality of life of these unwanted effects and variations to eczema management that followed. 71% (90/126) of respondents stopped a leave-on emollient due to unwanted effects. Desired characteristics in emollients related to the absence of unwanted effects and product improvements. Conclusion: Eczema patients and their carers all reported high levels of unwanted effects from leave-on emollient use. Experiences of unwanted effects were multifactorial but common themes arose as did the desire for emollient improvements. Unwanted effects need to be considered when optimising therapy.
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