Traditional Healers of Nepal: Their Knowledge, Skill, Practices and Technology

Background: Nepali people have been using traditional medicine since time immemorial. Majority of population (80%) depend upon traditional medicine for primary health care in rural area. However, documentation on status of traditional healers (THs) in Nepal is scanty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the status on socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, skill, practices and technology of THs in Morang, Nuwakot, Myagdi, Surkhet and Kanchanpur districts of Nepal. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the districts from February to May 2014. Total of 105 THs were interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. Data were summarized using frequency, percentages and tables. Responses on following topics were obtained: socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, skill, practices and technology. Results: In general, 73.9% of respondents were males with only 26.09% females. The greater proportion of (43.20%) THs were senior citizens above 46 years. Majorities (56.48%) of THs have been to primary school and were Hindu. Majority of THs (29.50%) were acquired the knowledge from traditional practitioners. Other sources of acquiring knowledge were family based apprenticeship, trainings and supernatural. History taking was used by 60.30% of THs for diagnosis of illness. Over forty five percent of THs had been practicing from 1-3 decades. THs (6.21%) of Morang and Surkhet consulted over 1000 clients per month. Most of THs (40.02%) used medicinal herbs as the means of healing. A total of 20% THs agreed referring complicated and unsuccessful clients to health institutions. THs used traditional tools and techniques to diagnose diseases. THs prescribed medicines prepared from medicinal herbs or in combination with minerals and animal byproducts. Conclusion: THs have acquired traditional medical knowledge, skill, practices and technology from their ancestors, colleagues, self-study, traditional teachers, training etc. THs use many traditional tools and techniques to diagnose diseases and treat clients by medicinal herbs. THs are the main source of primary health care providers for rural peoples.
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