Cues for investment: nest desertion in response to partial clutch depredation in dabbling ducks

Parents may use several cues to assess offspring value; however, most studies of parental care have examined only one or a few cues, and often in just a single species. This approach has produced conflicting results, with limited generality, and it remains unclear which cues animals use to adjust parental care. We examined nest desertion in response to natural clutch reductions by predators to determine which of several cues female dabbling ducks use to assess offspring value. Of 3562 duck nests monitored between 1996 and 2001, 30.5% of clutches were partially depredated, of which females deserted 37.7%. Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos (N=754) and gadwall, A. strepera (N=221) females were more likely to stay with proportionately larger remaining clutch sizes, older clutches and nests with eggs missing rather than with eggshell evidence of depredation. The proportion of the clutch remaining had the greatest influence on the likelihood that a nest would be deserted, indicating that females assess clutch value primarily using the remaining clutch size relative to the initial clutch size. On average, females deserted nests when 37–45% of the clutch remained (3–4 eggs) and continued to provide care when 73–75% of the clutch remained (6–7 eggs). Nest initiation date was not an important cue influencing desertion. Northern pintail, A. acuta (N=33) females behaved similarly, although we could not determine which of several cues relating to clutch size they used because multiple models fit the data well. Our results indicate that several factors influence clutch value and that ducks are able to use multiple cues to finely adjust their level of parental care following partial clutch depredation.
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