Effects of manure on growth medical plant in dragonhead(Dracocephalum moldavica)

A filed experiment was conduct to assay the effect of Manure on growth, development of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica) in semi-arid conditions of jiroft. The experiment was done at on randomized complete design with three replications in which factor included five levels of Manure (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t/ha). The results showed that the effect of increase in manure rate, plant body yield and fresh and dry weight was increased. The highest vegetative body yield of Dracocephalum as 22575kg/ha which was 18335 kg/ha higher than 42420kg/ha obtained in lack of manure application was achieved by increasing manure rate from no-manure to the third level (20 ton/ha) showing significant increase in vegetative body fresh weight. The same trend was observed in dry weight of vegetative part in relation to application of manure; the highest vegetative body dry weight as 5719kg/ha was obtained by application of 40 ton rotted cow manure per hectare which was or non significantly different from 20 and 30 ton/ha manure treatments.
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