A linear quadratic optimal motion cueing algorithm based on human perception

A simulator motion platform cannot exactly reproduce the longitudinal and rotational motions experienced in a real vehicle since it is constrained by its physical limits. The aim of this research is to provide a Motion Cueing Algorithm that can accurately produce vehicle accelerations and angular velocities in the simulator platform at high fidelity to give the most realistic motion, within the simulator’s physical limitations. The higher order optimal washout filter based on Linear Quadratic (LQ) which takes the Vestibular system mathematical model, motion of the platform and capabilities in to account have been proposed to reduce the human perception error between simulator and real driving. Angular velocity and linear acceleration have been used in this design as the inputs for the washout filter. The obtained washout filters are the optimized transfer functions that link the simulator motion input to the vehicle motion input aiming to constrain the human sensation error and the platform motion. Thus, it overcomes the lack of human perception and conservative motion of previous classical washout filters and improves human perception, exploits available workspace more efficiently and respects physical constraints.
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