Polymorphisms of the antiapoptotic protein bag3 may play a role in the pathogenesis of tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy

following classes this dependence progressively increased up to the extremely high level in hrv7 class. Thiswaywe have obtained a set of HRV indiceswhich are associated in different extent with HR. Such parameters constitute a perfect material for investigations of the HR contribution to the HRV prognostic power [5]. Moreover, this may be applied not only to the spectral HRV analysis but also to any other analysis of heart rate dynamics which parameters are associated with HR — in such instances the RR-interval tachograms should rather be modified (i.e. divided or multiplied by avRRs) before a given heart rate dynamics is analyzed. Importantly, if one calculates average HRV indices from the indices corresponding to short RR interval segments (e.g. from Holter recordings), one should first obtain the global average HRV indices of all RR interval segments and then divide or multiply them by a global avRR — the division or multiplication for each segment separately may create the situation where a single RR interval segment with unusually slow or fast HR determines the results for a given patient (it is especially likely if one employs high powers of avRR). To conclude, the described approach opens new perspectives for the analysis of HR dynamics, i.e. it makes possible to separate clinical (e.g. prognostic) information coming from average heart rate and from its dynamics.
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