Crises, the psychomotor therapist, and trauma: A psychomotor approach in situations of crisis with a risk of psychic trauma

In the context of COVID, many people expressed states of stress, psychological distress, and psychomotor disorders. Neither students nor emergency professionals were spared. Psychomotor therapists, particularly recognized for their ability to unify body and mind, could be considered key workers during this crisis. The authors describe different initiatives carried out with psychomotricity students and professionals in medical and psychological emergency units (CUMPs). They open a discussion on the role of the psychomotor therapist in the prevention of post-traumatic stress and vicarious trauma. © 2021 John Libbey Eurotext. All rights reserved. Dans le contexte de la Covid, nombreuses sont les personnes qui ont exprime des etats de stress, de detresse psychologique, et des troubles psychomoteurs. Cela n’a ni epargne les etudiants, ni les professionnels de l’urgence. Le psychomotricien, notamment reconnu par son aptitude a reconcilier corps et psyche, s’est positionne, durant cette crise, comme un professionnel ressource. A ce titre, les auteurs presentent differentes actions menees aupres d’etudiants en psychomotricite et de professionnels de CUMPS. Ils ouvrent la discussion sur le role du psychomotricien dans la prevention du stress post-traumatique et du traumatisme vicariant. © 2021 John Libbey Eurotext. All rights reserved.
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