Boya Ve Solventlerle Çalışanlarda İmmunglobülin Düzeyleri Ve Genetik Değerlendirme

SUMMARY IMMUN GLOBULIN LEVELS AND GENETIC EXAMINATION IN CAR AND FURNITURE PAINTERS In September 1988, a total of 88 Car and Furniter painters who work at the industriel region in Samsun, were studied to evalute the effects of conditional status of working places. Ig levels and the damages of genetic structures were examined. The results were compared with healty persons which "were chosen as control group. According to the results, IgM levels of painters were higher than control group (p 0.05). 20 subjects who had high Ig levels, were analyzed by genetic examination. In 3 cases (%15), balanced translocation were found. The results showed that the working with car and furniture painting affected health. But it was suggested that wide researches should be done and protect the persons from these agents. OZET Eylul 1988 tarihinde Samsun ili Sanayi Sitesi'nde oto ve mobilya boyama isinde calisan toplam 88 iscide, calisma kosullarindan kaynaklanan etkilenmeyi degerlendirmek amaciyla. Ig duzeyleri ve genetik yapidaki degisimler incelenerek, saglikli kisilerden olusan kontrol grubu ile kiyaslandi. Arastirma verilerine gore, kontrol grubuna oranla IgM ortala¬masinin her iki calisma grubunda (p 0.05). Calisma grubundaki Ig duzeyleri yuksek olan 20 kiside yapilan genetik calismada 3 (%15) olguda dengeli translokasyon saptandi. Elde edilen veriler, oto ve mobilya boya isinde calismanin, kisilerin sagliklarini etkiledigini ancak bu konuda daha genis kapsamli calismalara ve koruyucu onlemlere gereksinim oldugunu dusundurmektedir.
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