A Review on Solar Panel Cleaning Through Chemical Self-cleaning Method

In last few years, the global coating industries and scientific have introduced superhydrophobic coating with high water repellency. Photovoltaic (PV) panels installation in the dusty regions results in the reduction of its power output because the soil deposition on it resists the conversion of light into power. Thus, in order to prevent the above problem from happening, PV panels must be cleaned in a proper interval of time. However, the cleaning of the solar panel manually is a very lethargic and time-wasting task, and in addition, this cleaning technique can break the PV substrate due to poor brushing which results in unfavourable production of power. Moreover, manual cleaning does not give the best shot in cleaning very small dust particulates. In this manner, analysts around the world are advancing the self-cleaning strategies, viz. electrostatic strategy, mechanical strategy and coating strategy for PV surface cleaning. This paper focuses on the cleaning of a solar PV panel using a superhydrophobic coating.
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