Influence so fNonioni cPoly(ethylen eglycol )Polymer PE Go nElectrokineti can dRheologica lPropertie sof Bentonit eSuspensions

Th edeterminatio no fth eelectrokineti cprop- ertie so fcolloida lsystem si sver yimportan tfo rth echracter- izatio no fthes esystems .Colloida lsystem shav ehig had- sorptio nperformanc edu et oth ecarryin go fnegative charge san dth ecolloi dstructure .Th econtro lo fth eelectro- kineti cpropertie so fth ebentonite-wate rsyste mar eimpor- tan tno tonl yfro ma technologica lpoin tview ;the yar ealso importan tfro ma scientifi cpoin to fview .Knowin gth eelec- trokineti can drheologica lpropertie so fbentonit emineral sis importan tfo rth eestimatio no fth ebehavio ro fclay sunder variou senvironmenta lconditions .Th epurpos eo fthi sstudy wa st ointerpre tth eeffec to fth enonioni cpoly(ethylene glycol )(PEG )polyme ro nelectrokineti can drheological properties .Zet apotentia lan dviscosit ymeasurement swere don ea sa functio no fPE Gmolecula rweight s(400 ,3000 ,and 8000 )an dthei rconcentration s(2. 5 10 5 t o1.2 5 10 2 mol/L) .W einterprete dth eexperimenta ldata ,takin ginto accoun tthes etw oparameters .X-ra ydiffactio nstudie swere don etogethe rwit hth eelectrokineti can drheologica lmea- surements . ©200 2Wile yPeriodicals ,Inc .J App lPoly mSc i86: 341-346 ,2002
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