Colour Doppler sonographic analysis of blood-flow velocity in the human facial artery and changes in masseter muscle thickness during low-level static contraction

Abstract Muscle oedema, which can be seen as a thickness increment by ultrasonography, is important in provoking pain and fatigue during low-level contraction. Although oedema is related to the balance of inflow and outflow of blood, there are no data on the correlation between muscle thickness change and blood-flow. Blood-flow velocities in the facial artery and the muscle thickness changes were measured by colour Doppler ultrasonography in 30 healthy volunteers during 20 min contraction with 10% of maximum force. Thickness and velocity changes both reached a peak in the initial phase of contraction. The initial change of thickness did not correlate with the velocity in the facial artery, while those immediately after exercise showed a high correlation. The velocity changes in the facial artery might depend on both the general response to contraction and local metabolic or mechanical factors in the contracted masseters.
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