Цитокиновый профиль лабораторных инбредных и трансгенных мышей в оценке иммунологического статуса и поиске новых фармакологических регуляторов

This article presents the results of studies aimed at investigating the cytokine profile of laboratory mice, including novel data on the cytokine status of transgenic mice NAT1hom and NAT2hom. The investigation of cytokines in the blood serum of laboratory animals was carried out using multiplex xMAP-analysis on magnetic particles. For mice of inbred lines C57BL/6 and Balb/c, data is presented with respect to changes in the quantitative content of cytokines in the blood plasma after a single injection of the Polymuramyl and Tacrolimus drugs. Effects of the Tacrolimus immunosuppressant and the Polymuramyl immunomodulator on the mouse cytokine profile were estimated.  A particular attention was paid to the dynamics of the concentration of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α) as one of the most important criteria of the biological action of immunomodulators. The production of TNF-α in experimental immunosuppression was determined. The immunomodulating properties of Polymuramyl were confirmed under the conditions of acute inflammation by simulating influenza in mice. It is established that transgenic humanized mice of NAT1hom and NAT2hom lines can be successfully used in immunological studies and search for new pharmacological regulatory molecules metabolized with the participation of body acetylation systems. The obtained data are compared with the effect of inginate — an effective inhibitor of N-acetyltransferase (NAT2) — on the cytokine status. This drug is characterized by a pronounced immunomodulating effect on the production of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha.
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