Effect of partial and complete typhlectomy on hematological and biochemical analysis in dogs.

Cecal resection is indicated for impaction, inversion, perforation, neoplasia or severe inflammation. Depending on the disease process and its extent, the cecum can be removed from the colon partially or completely. Studies on the dogs’ cecum are meager as cecal affection didn't reveal a specific clinical signs on the living animal. Many publications studied the descriptive anatomy of this structure to explain its role as a part of the gastrointestinal tract.This study aimed to perform 2 operative techniques; partial typhlectomy and complete typhlectomy and clinical evaluation of dogs’ physiological parameters and Hematobiochemical changes following operations. The experimental work was carried out on 8 dogs, divided into 2 groups 4 each: (1) partial tyhplectomy, (2) complete tyhplectomy, Clinical parameter measurement include body temperature, respiratory rate and pulse rate which were taken on 0 day before operation and every day till day 5 after the surgical operation and on days 7,14,21,30. Five blood samples were collected on days 0 and days 3, 7, 14, 21 after surgery. CBC made for monitoring the hematological changes on the blood picture after the surgery and for biochemical changes measuring liver function by SGOT and SGPT, and kidney function by BUN & Creatinen. Blood picture and biochemical analysis showed significant changes in both group while creatinine showed non-significant changes and the partial typhelectomy showed better or advanced degree of repair than that observed in case of complete typhlectomy. In conclusion, partial typhlectomy should be the first choice for cecal affection surgery than complete typhlectomy.
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