Protocolo de actuación psicológica ante la COVID-19 en centros asistenciales. Cienfuegos. Cuba

Introduction: The model of Health Psychology in Cuba has as one of its objectives the psychological intervention in time of disasters. The COVID-19 is one of the biggest natural catastrophes in history and has left and will leave fatal consequences of psychological order in the human beings. Objective: To offer psychologists attending people in risky situations or suffering from COVID-19 and to their assistants a protocol which establishes psychological performance rules. Methodology: Documentary review that merges the state of the art of the topic, the best evidence and the experience of professionals from the Cienfuegos province. Results: Both, the provincial Group of Psychology and the Chapter of Health Psychology of the Cuban Society of Psychology in Cienfuegos, propose the practice guidelines for psychologists linked to the assistance of patients in risky situations and/or suffering from COVID-19, and the health assistants who work with them. Conclusions: The psychological action protocol responds to the psychological needs of people at risk or patients with COVID-19 during the care process; and to the psychological needs of workers who participate in this process.
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