Global wellposedness of vacuum free boundary problem of isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with axisymmetry

In this paper, we prove the global existence of the strong solutions to the vacuum free boundary problem of isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with small initial data and axial symmetry, where the solutions are independent of the axial variable and the angular variable. The solutions capture the precise physical behavior that the sound speed is \begin{document}$ C^{1/2} $\end{document} -Holder continuous across the vacuum boundary provided that the adiabatic exponent \begin{document}$ \gamma\in(1, 2) $\end{document} . The main difficulties of this problem lie in the singularity at the symmetry axis, the degeneracy of the system near the free boundary and the strong coupling of the magnetic field and the velocity. We overcome the obstacles by constructing some new weighted nonlinear functionals (involving both lower-order and higher-order derivatives) and establishing the uniform-in-time weighted energy estimates of solutions by delicate analysis, in which the balance of pressure and self-gravitation, and the dissipation of velocity are crucial.
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