The where of Teaching May Matter as much as the how

Tenure-track faculty are expected to contribute to scholarly, creative, or research activities, teaching, and service to the department, college, university, and each individual’s respective field. In order to be awarded tenure and promotion, tenure-track faculty must meet or exceed expectations in all three areas as prescribed by their college, school, or department policy. Teaching effectiveness is demonstrated by student, peer, and department chair evaluations, commitment to continued development of teaching skills through workshops, conferences, or collaborations, and success in mentorship of culminating activities. Boise State University is a great place to work and offers several resources for continued teaching development, but it is not without its challenges. The promotion and tenure process for Augusta University is outlined at both the university and college level. The college can deviate from the university policy if the college policy minimally meets the university standards. Finally, the pace of change at Boise State University has been exciting but also offers challenges for faculty.
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