Analyzing the contents of residual and plasma-supporting gases inside a vacuum deposition unit chamber

The paper describes a quadruple mass-spectrometer method, which is used to analyze the content of residual gas in a vacuum chamber of the ARM NTM (Automatised Working Area) ion-plasma unit. This unit is used to perfect the magnetron deposition process for coating radio-reflecting surfaces. The intake of pure argon into the chamber revealed up to 0.3 % of impurities in the plasma-supporting gas, including 0.02 % of water and oxygen. A significant presence of hydrocarbon gases is explained by the presence of solvents sorbed in rubber washers, joints of internal equipment, and other components inside the chamber. In order to decrease the level of impurities in the plasmasupporting atmosphere inside the chamber and improve the composition and properties of the coatings, it is necessary to take additional measures to cleanse and degas the surface of the chamber from condensation products and hydrocarbon compounds. To provide a minimal level of impurities in the coated surfaces it is vital to clean and degas the surfaces of the chamber, removing residual moisture and hydrocarbon compounds.
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