Increasing the Proton Intensity of PS and SPS

Recently, a series of meetings were organised with PS and SPS participa nts, to discuss the possibilities of increasing the proton intensity on the SPS targets (with particula r emphasis to CNGS) as well as ISOLDE a nd nTOF. Increasing the brilliance of the LHC bea m, as required for ultimate LHC performance, was also discussed. Several schemes were proposed, as a staged approa ch, i.e. starting from the most simple and chea p, though difficult, to the more adva nced a nd expensive. After compa ring the advanta ges and disadvanta ges of the various methods, three basic schemes were retained a s candida tes for further investigations and as good / necessa ry sta rting points for further improvements. Cha pter 1 is devoted to PSB and PS issues a nd conta ins essentially a description of the three selected schemes. Cha pter 2 deals with limitations in the SPS. Chapter 3 is a synthesis of basic conclusions. In the Appendix, a work-plan is presented for PSB and PS theoretical a nd experimenta l studies with a time estimate for preliminary results.
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