Processing, Lysis, and Elimination of Brain Lipopigments in Rejuvenation Therapies

Cerebral Iipopigments (LPs}-lipofuscin and ceroid- represent a significant marker in postmitotic normal and pathologic aging, connected with causal and associated neuropathologic damage. Therefore, LP processing, lysis, and elimination may be the main tar- gets in anti-aging and rejuvenation therapies. The regenerative neuroac- tive factors improve neuron supply with specific nutrients rrom plasma. They enhance the antioxidative defense, have anti-LP-poietic actions, stimulate brain anabolism, support energetic metabolism, and elevate the reduced Iysosomal enzymes. In the second stage, by cytoplasm re- hydration, they initiate the breaking up of the neuron al aggregated LP conglomerates, by consecutive disintegration. Then, possibly by the 10- calized exo-endocytosis process between neurons and adjacent glia (espe- cially microglia), intercellular LP transfer can be realized. 80, therapeu- tically activated glia turn into brain garbage collectors and transporters. Therapeutic processing of glial LPs increases in the capillary neighbor- hood. Highly processed LPs, by glio-endothelial transfer, reach capil- lary walls before being eliminated. Consequently, neuroactive therapies having these synergistic rejuvenative actions represent new prospects in deceleration of normal and pathological cerebral aging.
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