[Sweet syndrome: presentation of an atypical case and review of the literature].

: In 1964 Sweet described a new syndrome which was characterized by pyrexia, neutrophilia, and the abrupt appearance of erythematous, painful, cutaneous plaques, primarily on the upper extremities, head, and neck. Histologically, the prominent feature is a dense dermal infiltrate of neutrophils, without signs of vasculitis, with a prompt response to steroid therapy. Since then up to 150 cases have been reported, being actually considered an immune mechanism responsible of this syndrome and we now have criterions for the diagnosis of it. We report a patient with Sweet's syndrome (SS): who has all the diagnostic criterions, whose main interest is having suffered from erythema nodosum three years before; this is the second case we have found in the English literature, and we also discuss some peculiarities.
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