Serologic Findings in Hepatic Ascariasis: A Case Report

NAGAKURA, K., TSUTSUMI, Y., MORIYA, H., NAKAZAKI, H. and KAWAI, K. Serologic Findings in Hepatic Ascariasis: A Case Report. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1992, 167 (2), 121-126-A 56-year-old Japanese woman underwent partial hepatectomy for intrahepatic cystic masses. Before operation, the patient had been diagnosed as liver abscess due to Ascaris infection serologically. The excised hepatic lesions consisted of encapsulated old abscesses, with a few calcified parasitic ova and numerous Charcot-Leiden's crystals microscopically seen in necrotic exudate. However, no parasitic worms were found in the cystic cavity. The eggs in the tissues were indistinguishable from other helminthic ova morphologically, but stained positively for Ascaris antigens by the indirect immunoperoxidase method. The results indicate that the serologic diagnosis of intrahepatic ascariasis may be feasible, practical, and reliable.
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