Milestone Review Process for the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

Abstract : The Army's Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) is an integrated battlefield management and decision support system. The system is one of five battlefield automation systems of the Army Tactical Command and Control System. The AFATDS utilizes evolving commercial computer technology from the Army Tactical Command and Control System hardware and software procurement. The AFATDS Program has three versions of software, of which Version 1 is scheduled for a Milestone III, Production Approval, decision in December 1994 to approve entry into the production and deployment phase of the acquisition process. The overall audit objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the milestone review process for Component-managed acquisition programs. The AFATDS was one program selected as part of the overall audit. We are reporting our finding and recommendations separately because management needs to take prompt corrective action. This audit assessed the adequacy of the information provided to DoD Component milestone decision authorities in support of major milestone and program reviews and evaluated internal controls related to the objective.
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