Predictores de salud y pobreza en contagios de covid-19 en municipios rurales: Predictors of health and poverty in covid-19 contages in rural municipalities

El objetivo fue analizar datos de salud y pobreza para encontrar causas de contagio de COVID-19 en municipios rurales segmentados por hombres y mujeres. Se elaboraron dos modelos de regresion lineal multiple por el metodo de minimos cuadrados ordinarios, con datos de municipios rurales del pais. En los resultados se encontro que en los hombres el contagio aumenta cuando tienen neumonia, asma, hipertension, obesidad y presentan alguna carencia social, en cambio, en las mujeres el contagio aumenta con neumonia, diabetes, inmunosupresion, obesidad, presencia de carencia social y vivir en pobreza extrema. Se recomienda dar continuidad al analisis de la pobreza en municipios rurales incluyendo la movilidad de la poblacion para evitar contagios. El trabajo tiene como limitacion la omision de la edad, y su originalidad es el analisis de las causas de contagio de COVID-19 en las comunidades rurales. Se concluye que es necesario dar prioridad en atencion de salud a los hombres con COVID-19 con enfermedades de asma, obesidad e hipertension, asi como a las mujeres con inmunosupresion y que viven en pobreza extrema.   The objective was to analyze health and poverty data to find causes of contagion of COVID-19 in rural municipalities segmented by men and women. Two multiple linear regression models were developed using the ordinary least squares method, with data from rural municipalities in the country. In the results, it was found that in men the contagion increases when they have pneumonia, asthma, hypertension, obesity and present some social deprivation, on the other hand, in women the contagion increases with pneumonia, diabetes, immunosuppression, obesity, presence of social deprivation and live in extreme poverty. It is recommended to continue the analysis of poverty in rural municipalities including population mobility to avoid contagion. The work is limited by the omission of age, and its originality is the analysis of the causes of contagion of COVID-19 in rural communities. It is concluded that it is necessary to give priority in health care to men with COVID-19 with asthma, obesity and hypertension diseases, as well as to women with immunosuppression and living in extreme poverty.
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