Semi-automated segmentation of carotid artery total plaque volume from three dimensional ultrasound carotid imaging

Carotid artery total plaque volume (TPV) is a three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound (US) imaging measurement of carotid atherosclerosis, providing a direct non-invasive and regional estimation of atherosclerotic plaque volume - the direct determinant of carotid stenosis and ischemic stroke. While 3DUS measurements of TPV provide the potential to monitor plaque in individual patients and in populations enrolled in clinical trials, until now, such measurements have been performed manually which is laborious, time-consuming and prone to intra-observer and inter-observer variability. To address this critical translational limitation, here we describe the development and application of a semi-automated 3DUS plaque volume measurement. This semi-automated TPV measurement incorporates three user-selected boundaries in two views of the 3DUS volume to generate a geometric approximation of TPV for each plaque measured. We compared semi-automated repeated measurements to manual segmentation of 22 individual plaques ranging in volume from 2mm 3 to 151mm 3 . Mean plaque volume was 43±40mm 3 for semi-automated and 48±46mm 3 for manual measurements and these were not significantly different (p=0.60). Mean coefficient of variation (CV) was 12.0±5.1% for the semi-automated measurements.
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