Kingella kingae septicemia in a patient with coxsackievirus infection

Kingella kingae is a gram-negative cocci present in the oral flora ; this organism is difficult to isolate by conventional culture techniques ; it can be detected after longer incubation period (more than 6 days) in blood culture. It is responsible of various infectious diseases, especially in children below 3 years-old where it is a cause of arthritis and osteomyeli tis. It is included in HACEK organisms responsible of 2 to 3 % of all cases of native endocarditis. The case report is the case of a young women with Kingella kingae septicemia in a context of oral lesions from Coxsackie virus infection ; treatment by ciprofloxacine permit a complete resolution of symptoms. Differential diagnosis is made about conditions with oral lesions. This article is an occasion to review literature about this unusual organism and clinical presentation. Improvements in laboratory method will in the future increase incidence and prevalence of infections caused by Kingella kingae.
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