Evaluation of reticulorumen temperature boluses for the diagnosis of subclinical cases of bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the most important and costly health issue of the feedlot industry worldwide. Remote monitoring of reticulorumen temperature has been suggested as a potential tool to improve the diagnostic accuracy of BRD. The present study aimed to evaluate 1) the difference and degree of reticulorumen hyperthermia episodes between healthy and subclinical BRD feedlot steers, 2) determine the correlation between reticulorumen hyperthermia and lung pathology, performance, and carcass traits. Mixed-breed feedlot steers (n= 148) with a mean arrival weight of 321 ± 3.34 kg were administered a reticulorumen bolus at feedlot entry and monitored for visual and audible signs of BRD until slaughter when lungs were examined and scored for lesions indicative of BRD. Post-slaughter animals with no record of BRD treatment were assigned to one of three case definitions. Healthy steers had no visual or audible signs of BRD (i.e., CIS=1), and total lung consolidation score 0.05). The reticulorumen bolus technology appears promising for detection of subclinical BRD cases in feedlot cattle as defined by lung pathology at slaughter.
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