Molecular Interionic Interaction Studies of Benzimidazolium Dichromate and 2-Methyl Imidazolium Dichromate in Water and DMSO + Water at Different Temperatures

Density and viscosity of benzimidazolium dichromate and 2-methyl imidazolium dichromate have been determined in water and aqueous mixtures of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% by volume) at 298.15, 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15K. From the experimental data, the related parameters such as: apparent molar volume (V φ ); limiting apparent molar volume (V φ 0 ) and their associated constant (S v ); transfer volume (ΔV φ 0 ) from water to aqua organic solution of DMSO; and B-coefficients of Jones-Dole equation were evaluated. Such parameters vary as a power series of temperature. The molecular interactions such as ion-ion, ion-solvent and solvent-solvent are identified and discussed in the light of structure making and structural-breaking behaviour of Cr-complex in the solvent mixture.
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