Fatal risks in the domestic use of gaseous hydrocarbons examined in the light of legislation in force

The authors, in order to identify the causes of mortal poisonings by carbon monoxide in the domestic use of gaseous hydrocarbons and to evaluate the efficacy of the inherent law in force, in particular, the italian law 5 March 1990, n. 46, report 43 cases of mortal poisoning occurred in the Parma district and observed at the Istituto di Medicina legal of Parma University. The authors, for each of these cases, have pointed out responsibilities, causal factors and mechanisms, examining also judicial inquiries and, when possible, experts' technical reports. From the evaluation of the results of their researches, the authors, even if with some perplexity, judge the law in force as suitable to a correct prevention, but only on condition that the controls provided for in law, should be actually carried out. Finally, they evidence a lacking of publicizing about the mortal risk deriving from the non-observation of the legal regulations. Language: it
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