Assessment of Surface and Groundwater Resources Quality Close to Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Using Multiple Indicators and Multivariate Statistical Methods

In this study, the impact of MSW landfill on the surface and groundwater resources pollution in Tehran Province was investigated using a multivariate statistical technique concerning multiple water quality indicators. To assess the role of the landfill on surface and groundwater pollution, a statistical approach was designed in a way that the distance from landfill was considered as the main factor while sub-factors were various physicochemical parameters of water samples collected from groundwater and surface water. Sampling took place for two years on a monthly basis. Results of groundwater samples indicated that SO42− (254 mg/l), PO43− (0.13 mg/l) and EC (1177.9 µs/cm) exceeded their acceptable limits of drinking water standard in near the landfill. For groundwater, all water quality parameters (except heavy metals, PO43−, SO42−, Na + , Mg2+, and pH) were higher adjacent to the landfill, than upstream and downstream locations (significance level P < 0.05). Concentrations of CU (0.32 mg/l), Fe (5.4 mg/l), NO3− (37 mg/l), BOD (244 mg/l), COD (340 mg/l), PO43− (8.5 mg/l), TDS (4345 mg/l) and the EC (8460 µs/cm) of the surface water at the near-landfill station exceeded their acceptable limits of the prescribed standard. Moreover, the statistical analysis carried out revealed that there is a direct relationship between the water quality parameters and the physicochemical characteristics of the leachate from the landfill. This study showed the usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques for the analysis and process of complex data sets and the identification of pollution sources. Based on the results obtained in this research, it is recommended to implement leachate collection and treatment facilities on-site as a high priority. Highlights: Impact of Robatkarim Landfill on Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Studying A Wide Range of Important Parameters in Water Quality Observing Higher Amount of Pollutants in Leachate Compared to Standards Descending of Pollutants Concentration in Farther Areas from the Landfill
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