Comparison of Team Based and Traditional Teaching Methods in Forensic Medicine: on the Basis of Assessment Tools

Objective: To compare two different teaching methods in Forensic Medicine on the basis of assessment tools.Study design and setting: A cross sectional analytical study was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine atAl-Tibri Medical College and Hospital, from February to August 2019Methodology: Total 100 students of third year MBBS were included in this study after taking ethical approval from theethical review committee. These students were randomly divided into two groups of 50 students each, with Group A beingtaught through the traditional didactic lectures and Group B by Team Based Learning (TBL). Both groups were assessedusing different assessment tools. Each assessment was of 25 marks and for comparison of marks, independent “t” test wasapplied comparing the mean value through SPSS version 20.0 and the level of significance was taken at < 0.05.Results: The student’s involved in Team Based Learning performed superior than teacher centered strategy. In Group A,the students were taught via traditional lecture-based method and Group B was introduced to Team Based Learning. Themean score of assignment in Group A and Group B showed P value <0.001 that showed significantly higher grades instudent-centered teaching.Conclusion: Team based learning showed significant successful results in all assessment methods, therefore, it has beenconcluded through our study that Team Based Learning is a more effective method of teaching Forensic Medicine and ithelps in making learner autonomous.
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